The Nubian Blog

Our advice and articles to take care of you.

Sebaceous filaments: how do they differ from blackheads?

In the family of “imperfections that we could do without” , we have the sebaceous filaments and their false twins, the blackheads . Although in appearance they appear to be nearly identical, they differ in...

The secrets of melanin: origin, role and benefits

Melanin is a brown and black color pigment, responsible for the coloring of hair, skin and eyes. White hair, pigmentation and brown spots on the skin are due to melanin deficiency. Often stimulated to fill...

Mélasma : comment gommer cette hyperpigmentation de la peau ?

Le mélasma est un type d'hyperpigmentation assez fréquent chez les femmes, notamment sur les peaux nubiennes, en particulier pendant et après la grossesse. Il apparaît habituellement sous forme de grandes zones foncées sur le visage....

Compléments alimentaires : tout savoir pour lutter contre l’acné

L'usage des compléments alimentaires pour traiter l'acné et d'autres problèmes cutanés est à la mode, mais nécessite de prendre certaines précautions. Bien que certains compléments, tels que les Oméga-3, le zinc, les vitamines, aient des effets positifs...

Taches pigmentaires sur le visage : prévention et traitement

Plusieurs causes expliquent souvent l’apparition des taches pigmentaires sur le visage, notamment sur les peaux noires et métisses. Pour combattre ce fléau, vous devez adopter les bons gestes en vue de les prévenir et de...

Skin barrier: understanding and strengthening it

The skin barrier is an essential element of our skin, playing a crucial role in protection against external aggressions. A damaged skin barrier can lead to various dermatological problems, such as acne and blemishes. At...

Anti-acne routine: 5 steps to get rid of pimples

Acne is the cause of multiple complexes. Once it takes hold, it is almost impossible to dislodge it. A suitable beauty routine is then recommended to get rid of it. Carried out conscientiously, this involves...

Endometriosis Awareness: Understand, Track and Act

Hyperpigmentation: how to treat brown spots on the face?

Brown spots around the mouth can be due to hyperpigmentation of the skin or when it contains too much melanin. To prevent the appearance of brown spots on the face, it is recommended not to...
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