The Nubian Blog

Our advice and articles to take care of you.

Crème solaire non comédogène : choisir le soin adapté pour les peaux acnéiques

On ne le répétera jamais assez. Toutes les peaux doivent se protéger des rayons du soleil, d'autant plus les peaux acnéiques. En effet, le soleil a tendance à provoquer l'excès de sébum et donc l'apparition...

Alimentation et acné : que faut-il manger pour une peau saine ?

Le lien entre alimentation et acné ressort souvent lorsque les boutons vous gênent. Vous vous demandez alors que faut-il manger et quels aliments faut-il éviter pour dire stop aux inflammations cutanées. Découvrez ici les aliments...

Compléments alimentaires : tout savoir pour lutter contre l’acné

L'usage des compléments alimentaires pour traiter l'acné et d'autres problèmes cutanés est à la mode, mais nécessite de prendre certaines précautions. Bien que certains compléments, tels que les Oméga-3, le zinc, les vitamines, aient des effets positifs...

Anti-acne routine: 5 steps to get rid of pimples

Acne is the cause of multiple complexes. Once it takes hold, it is almost impossible to dislodge it. A suitable beauty routine is then recommended to get rid of it. Carried out conscientiously, this involves...

Which antibiotics to fight acne?

Antibiotics, although not automatic, can be used in the treatment of mild to severe acne. Whether topical or oral, these medications help reduce inflammation and diminish acne lesions to restore smooth, healthy skin.

Everything you need to know about the link between pills and acne

Skin imperfections linked to acne can be of hormonal origin. Stress, tobacco, pollution and an unbalanced diet also contribute to their appearance. Contrary to popular belief, acne does not only affect adolescents and can appear...

Peeling to fight acne on black skin

Peeling is a method of aesthetic medicine which aims to find clear and radiant skin by treating all small skin defects. It brings many benefits to all skin types, even black skin.

Laser technology to make acne scars disappear

Get ready to learn more about the role of laser in managing acne scars and how this device can revolutionize your skin care routine.

The different types of acne treatment

In this article, we'll explore the different types of acne treatment , while providing personalized answers to this common dermatological concern.
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